17+ Ranger 1000XP, Northstar and Highlifter

17+ Ranger 1000XP, Northstar and Highlifter
Horsepower Gains (dependent on fuel and modifications)
19 horsepower 91 octane with or without exhaust
What does the ECU Flash do?
Speed Limiter Removed - Speeds Over 75Mph
Rev Limiter Raised
Improved Throttle Response - Enhanced E-Throttle
Torque Limiters Adjusted
Cooling fan temp lowered
This Tune Works On:
2017-2024 Polaris ME17.9.74 ECU
2025+ Polaris MG1 ECU
Recommendations For Best Results:
Clutch Kit - CLICK HERE
ECU Options:
Purchasing this option is to send us your ECU for us to reprogram and tune. When you order the shipping address and instructions will be mailed to you. If you need an ECU check out the options below:
For a Stock Replacement ECU: Click Here
For a Tuned ECU to Keep: Click Here
Warranty Flashing:
If you need to take your machine in for repairs that could lead to your ecu getting read for a claim to go through, we offer free stock flashing. You pay $10 for return shipping and we will send it back to you for your warranty duration. We will flash it back once done. If you break things alot and are in and out of warranty, you can get a ready to go ECU already flashed and mailed directly to you. Click Here
If you need to get your tuned by us ecu returned to stock go to our warranty authorization page.
Machine Options and Details:
When you click add to cart a form will come up asking all the details of your machine ie: year, make, model, tire size, octane etc.
Tuning Instructions and Turnaround:
First, Box up your ecu. It is only 4 t-25 screws and two plugs and on most all machines can be removed in under 5 minutes
Second put it in a shipping box and write the order number on a sticky note or on the box. Mail to:
SxS Tech Nā Tuning
3755 Hodges Ln.
St. George, Ks 66535
Once your order is received, we will get it completed on the same day and mail it back to you with the shipping method you chose on checkout. Free Shipping is 1-3 Day Tracked USPS.